Sunday, May 13, 2007

Your own

I still remember the days we had together when young,
A complete lack of care and responsibility,
supplemented by the sheer will to have fun!
The tears we shed and the little tiffs we had,
The bear hugs and the kisses that followed - the panacea at hand.

Time and changed circumstances
have brought in a thousand miles between us.
But we keep holding on to the common strands
of love, of friendship, of kindness, of care,
and of the certainty that we would be there for each other
even when the world has seemingly turned bad!

We have in us the belief, that the closeness
we’ve shared and felt with each other,
would not spiral to the physical distance that has us apart.
This belief and hope keep us going.


Magi said...
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Rakesh said...

AAAAhhhhhh !!!!

I always thought writing a line of poem is the most complex thing..
Look at you, how easy the words flow..

I guess I made it late in here,
But your words surely do leave a mark in here..

How much I can connect with what you've written,
Or is it 'coz we're all connected ??

I'm thoroughly impressed with what you have expressed,
Although it leaves me in a lot of depress..

I guess I should put a stop in here,
Before I make it more ugly in there..

Thanks for inspiring me to try..
Its always an effort worth a cry !!