This is a front page ad printed in the Hindustan Times Delhi edition yesterday.
I have nothing personally against the BJP. I am sure we could probably expect something similar from the Congress if the BJP were in power. Nonetheless, this ad is troubling. Can they not have waited till the situation normalized in Bombay?
I agree completely. But, a program I was watching just now on NDTV gives me hope; there seem to be many people who are thinking along the same lines as you and me.
Abhay Regulagedda
This has been the fear a lot of people have been having. Making "use" of the tension the terrorists have thus created. The only hope is, for, people not falling for such campaigns.
I dont think we should react to this right now. Its the great Indian problem. I have no clue how but right now its the time to get military forces to crack down terrorism. And the next stepwould be to setup infrastucture to run this country.
Anyways I guess this ad has done more harm to BJP than congress.
RR Patils statement was even worse.These guys dont care.
Exactly my thought when i saw tht little announcement-like ad on tv the other day, talking about terror strikes and government responsibilities. Baratiya Janata Party it said in signature. Nothing against the party, but this is an obvious attempt at exploiting an opportune moment. And are we, the common men, taken to be blind, dumb and incapable of thinking to not realize the motive behind. As someone already mentioned, its gonna hurt BJP more than congress. But then again, you never know what works in a country like India.
Yes I too saw the programme on NDTV. Definitely going in some direction. I don't know about Simi Garewal's comments but Ratna Pathak Shah was right to the point.
Though impractical to expect everybody (politicians and people) to change overnight, something has started towards the 'insensitivity of politicians', as news channels put it.
Now 'politicians' will definitely think twice before opening their mouths or making some hasty decisions. People have been scathing in their remarks towards political parties of the country irrespective of whether they are in power or not.
One thing all people(politicians are people too) should realise is (this point was made on NDTV as well) that people sitting in high official chairs are not the masters of the country. In fact the power of that post should make them feel responsible, answerable to people, they are the foremost servants of the country. Didn't we see a president being elected against the real wishes of the people?
I guess before pointing fingers at anybody else (whether outside or inside the country) it is time we "introspect" (pun TOTALLY unintended!). Do we have the responsibility and pride towards the country? Do we not throw waste on the road. But the same person does not dare to do that if he is abroad. Why this callousness towards our own land?
How many of us actually put serious thought into whom we elect on the day of elections? Maybe some of us do it. But not everybody is as fortunate to have good education and wealth. This is as important a decision as selecting a school for your child. Because the future of your child depends on the school you select and you feel responsible and think it over a dozen times evaluating its pros and cons. Do we have the same attitude when it comes to elections?
As far as I have managed to gather information from people, most of them don't bother to 'think' about this till a day before, or even ON THE day of elections. Worst cases are those who select a button on the electronics ballot on a whim when they reach the voting centre. Many vote on the basis of their favourite party who they want to be at centre based on unjustifiable reasons (I know of this teenager who voted for a certain party because she thought a young politician of that particular party was cute!). Many others ride on the principle of ' going with the flow' and voting for whom everybody in general does. And then there is the concept of gift for vote, cash for vote scheme (recently revealed in the House). These people maybe helpless (we have no idea of their situation). They are to be educated. Worst of all are the ones who don't vote at all. But voting ignorantly and not voting are pretty much the same!
Educating ourselves and the less fortunate is not going to give immediate results but will prove to be fruitful in the long run. All you have to do is keep track of who has done and has potential to do good for your constituency irrespective of anything (all the usual non-sense that comes into play here caste,creed, all the etcs.). When everybody starts to think like this the problem is automatically solved.
Just imagine this situation in the next elections. Everybody goes to vote with an idea of who is best for their constituency. (By the way there are many who find out which constituency they belong to at the last minute when the ID s are made). Every constituency has the best it can offer. ( I have no 'ideas' for constituencies where all contenders are equally bad!).
This is what I have been thinking about for the past few days. I don't know how far this is acheivable. It definitely is not impossible. But it is not going to happen sooner either!
I have a lot more going on inside me lately but that some other time.
Sorry Anup to take so much of this space but I needed a vent here!
BJP politicizing the situation was expected. It does not surprise me. But I dont understand the point of these campaigns as Alyque Padamsee put it. In a country where, we vote for people belonging to our own community, where rationality has nothing to do with decision-making, what difference does any campaign make?
As for throwing garbage on streets. It has nothing to do with pride or responsibility towards the country...it has just got to do with fear...we can get away with it in india..but not abroad...and so we dont do it!
I guess the ad did backfire! [:D]. Congress won in Delhi by a big margin.
Hi Lakshmi,
Liked your garbage on streets point. I read somewhere that what defines a man is how hard he plays when no one's watching. There may be places in the world where littering is a punishable offense. But, I would rather compare the people living in places like the UK (where there is no law prohibiting littering) to the Indians in India itself. And how do you and me conduct ourselves when we are not being watched?
I do not know how good a point this is, but am making it nonetheless. Speak soon.
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